IRLI Start
Tufts faculty and staff can join the IRLI Start program, an incubator for educational research on learning and instruction happening on the Tufts campus. IRLI Start participants meet for a series of 6 to 8 weekly meetings facilitated by an IRLI steering committee member. Participants first learn about key questions and methodologies in discipline-based education research. Then they take turns analyzing student artifacts from their own courses or programs and develop potential research questions about learning and instruction within those contexts. IRLI Start groups usually organize during the first three weeks of each semester. After participating in IRLI Start, faculty and staff can apply for IRLI seed funding to continue to develop projects. Contact: Milo Koretsky
Launched in Spring 2024, IRLI Start: CAREER provides a cohort-based model where junior faculty specifically get support to work on the Educational Plan for their NSF CAREER proposal. The goal is to build and refine a strong Educational Plan as required by this program and provide a competitive advantage by integrating learning research into the plan. Once funded, IRLI can provide continued support.
IRLI Summer Scholars
Tufts faculty and staff can also team up with an undergraduate student to apply for the IRLI Summer Scholars program, which funds undergraduates for 10 weeks of summer work on research into learning and instruction in postsecondary settings. For more information, learn about undergraduate involvement.
All Tufts faculty and staff are also invited to join the IRLI e-list for announcements about IRLI Colloquia featuring invited talks by discipline-based education researchers from other institutions, as well as poster sessions for the IRLI Summer Scholars and Learning Assistants.